Patriots Band Boosters
The boosters support instrumental music programs at WHS by coordinating fund raising throughout the year to help purchase items the band programs need and help keep the individual costs to band members as low as possible. We also provide volunteers to handle equipment transportation, chaperone on trips and during events, and to staff the concession stand during fall sports. We meet the first Tuesday of each month in the WHS band room.
Meet our team
Booster Board
Pam Needy
Duties: Preside over all meeting of the boosters. Appoint committees as needed. Enforce the bylaws. Supervise all activities of the Band Boosters. Call meetings as provided by the bylaws. Serve as an ex – officio member of all committees. Convene a Budget Committee to prepare a budget for the coming fiscal year. This committee shall consist of a minimum of three members. An Incoming President and Treasurer, and incoming treasurer (if applicable) shall be members of this committee. Ensure the treasurer is in compliance with all school financial policies. Perform all other duties pertaining to the office.
Currently the President also oversees the Boosters website, and maintains the relationship with the Pete Durand Music For Everyone Foundation and oversees awards and donations.
Vice President
Karina Galles
Duties: Perform all the duties and exercise all the power of the president during his/her absence. Assume duties as deemed necessary by the President. Serve as Parliamentarian. Coordinate an audit of student account records. Perform all other duties as assigned by the President.
Currently the VP oversees the Coordination of Feed the Band (Fridays on Home Varsity Football games), and coordinates the pulling and transportation of the band equipment trailer for parades, competitions, and other events.
Beth Caltrider
Duties: Produce with the Budget Committee, and present for approval of the full board of directors, the annual budget. Account for funds received and disbursed. Keep an accurate record and detailed account of all receipts and expenditures. Submit a report of the balance on hand, deposits, and expenditures since the last meeting at the Executive Committee and General Meetings of the Band Boosters. Turn over booster funds with appropriate accompanying paperwork to Washington High School. Request disbursements from Washington High School in accordance with the budget adopted by the Band Boosters. Ensure proper documentation is made for each transaction. Set up, and maintain a system to account for money collected for the band. Monitor the budget and keep the Board of Directors apprised.
Crissy Fesperman
Duties: Keep minutes of all meetings of the booster club. Respond to all correspondence as directed by the President. Have charge of and keep a permanent report of all meetings, record minutes at all meetings. Conduct official correspondence of the Band Boosters. Act as publicity chairman. Ensure that the Principal and Superintendent are invited to all band functions, including general Band Boosters meetings. Facilitate communication to the community via newspaper ads, web page, letters and other means (email). Use procedures that provide for the permanence of records. Perform all other duties as assigned by the President
Committee Chairs
Publicity Committee Chair
Crissy Fesperman
Duties: The chairman of this committee shall be the Secretary and the committee shall include those members the chairman shall require to carry out its responsibilities. Initiate publicity programs to keep the public informed of the many varied activities of the band. Initiate publicity through all mediums available encouraging public participation in concerts and programs presented by the band
The Publicity Committee Chair maintains and updates the Band Boosters Facebook page, and communicates with the Board about information that needs to go on the website.
Fundraising Committee Chair
Kathryn Bellacosa
Duties: The chairman of this committee shall be appointed by the President and the committee shall include the Treasurer and those members the chairman shall require to carry out its responsibilities
Initiate and supervise all fund raising activities.The Fundraising Committee Chair oversees and conducts up to 4 fundraisers a year, appoints a Spirit Night Coordinator, and enlists other help for fundraising. Typical fundraisers include discount cards in December, and Krispy Kreme Donuts in the winter. Other events include Spirit Nights at local restaurants and businesses, Cheer Booth during Charles Town Christmas season, and getting sponsors from the local community.
Concessions Committee Co-Chairs
Pam Needy and Tracy Friend
Duties: Chairman appointed by the Band Booster President. Chairman is responsible for the operation of the concession stand. Chairman will work with the Treasurer to purchase food and supplies needed for successful operation of the concession stand. Chairmanwil coordinate with theTreasurer to turn in all receipts for purchases and money brought in to the stand.
The Concession Stand Committee Chairs oversee all things related to the supply, operation, and maintenance of the concession stand throughout the August-November football/marching season. This includes maintaining one person as Health Department certified in a supervisory role (Health Dept fee to be paid by the Band Boosters.) Concessions Committee enlists the help of all other boosters to run the stand during games.
Karina Galles serves as Assistant Concession Stand Committee Chair